
We’re launching our Warmer Winter appeal today

1st November 2023

At Wandsworth Foodbank, we’re helping many people and families at the sharpest end of the cost of living crisis who can’t afford to top-up their gas and electricity prepayment meters – leaving them at risk of going without enough warmth, light and hot water this winter.

That’s why today we’re launching our second Warmer Winter appeal, so that with your help we can provide emergency fuel vouchers alongside emergency food to people referred to us in severe hardship.

One mum, who has a disability which means she is unable to work, told us:

Sometimes I haven’t been able to put the gas on because it’s costing so much. It cost me £40 a week to have it on. For me, it’s a lot of money because obviously I can buy other stuff with that for my daughter. So unless it’s really cold, we won’t have it on.

Two-thirds of people referred to our food bank have a long-term health condition or disability and are on a very low income that doesn’t cover the cost of essentials, but need to keep warm. Children are particularly vulnerable in cold and damp homes; and around 1 in 3 emergency food parcels we provide are for children.

But you can help. If you don’t need (all of) your winter fuel allowance this year, or you’d like to make a special gift, you can donate now to our Warmer Winter appeal.

We’ll convert donations into £49 fuel prepayment vouchers and issue them directly to local people and families referred in severe hardship to Wandsworth Foodbank, in partnership with Thinking Works (a local not-for-profit company).

These vouchers will enable people and families to top up their prepayment meters, ensuring they can cook the food we provide, have enough light and hot water, and put the heating on on the coldest days.

Last year’s appeal helped us provide more than 500 emergency fuel vouchers to local people referred to the food bank, and made a real difference. Thank you so much.

(There is a £4.20 charge per £49 voucher from the company that issues prepayment vouchers to Thinking Works. If more money is donated to this campaign than is needed in fuel vouchers through the winter, Wandsworth Foodbank will use any extra to continue to provide emergency food, support and advice to local people.)

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